Metroid Dread follows Samus as she is sent to explore ZDR, a remote planet where a dangerous parasite by the name of the X is surviving. After a previous expedition of seven EMMI robots fails to resolve the problem, it’s up to Samus to travel to ZDR and deal with this dangerous threat. Metroid Dread was released earlier this month and is already making waves due to its exciting gameplay - acting for many as a much-needed return to the excellent quality the series’ older titles like Super Metroid are known for. In our review of Metroid Dread, reviewer Alex Donaldson wrote, “Metroid Dread is likely to give those that have been counting down the days to its release exactly what they want: a thrilling experience in line with what they loved about past games.” If you’re looking for a deeper look at the brilliant characterization of Samus in Metroid Dread, we’ve also got an article on why Samus is cooler than Master Chief, where Alex Donaldson argued: “ In Metroid Dread, she’s awesome - the most brilliant and bad-ass among her power-armor clad peers. Just as she should be.” For those looking to pick up a copy of the game following their time with the new demo, you can grab Metroid Dread only on the Nintendo Switch.