Call of Duty: Modern Warfare received a relatively big update yesterday on all platforms. As promised, the patch brought the infantry-only Ground War playlist, the Gunfight map Bazaar, and a new playlist with Rust, Shipment and Shoot House for a moshpit of chaos. The patch’s biggest change, however, was a tweak to how missions track. Or, more specifically, operator missions. Operator missions are the easiest to complete. They’re mainly designed for players to unlock some colour variants and a few other cosmetics for their operators. Unfortunately, Modern Warfare previously treated them as any other core mission, which meant that you had to make sure the one you wanted to complete was active before playing.

Thanks to this update, however, operator missions will now automatically activate the moment you switch to that operator. This essentially means you can have both an active core mission along with whatever operator mission you happen to be on. Operator missions have also moved to the operator screen, with the main page now alerting you to the requirements of the nearest mission. Although you can only have one core mission active at a time, this is still a big, welcome change. If anything, you won’t have to fret over not being on the right team every time you want to get these missions done. The patch also introduced a few bug fixes, including for Spec Ops and Survival. Head over to the Infinity Ward blog for the full change log.