But don’t worry. If you haven’t got the time to sit through a load of chat about the game and wait for those little flashes of gameplay to present themselves to you, there’s a better option: you can watch a supercut of all the gameplay showed off so far knitted together by the Punish Youtube account. Check it out below. You can see from the video that the game isn’t going to be a simple 1:1 remake of the original. Instead, the folks at EA Motive are altering some aspects to be more modern. Motive has previously said the remake will maintain similarities with the original, but it will also “do away” with dated ideas. During the presentation, it was confirmed that Clarke will speak in Dead Space instead of being silent like in the original. Motive said he will only speak when he is spoken to, and also only in situations where it makes sense. There are also some slight changes to combat: taking limbs off enemies with the plasma cutter is nothing new, and will work as it always has (albeit with more deofrmation involved) and the other weapons you can use will affect the Necromorphs in different ways depending what you use to keep them at bay. In a pretty cool update, you will know how much health the Necormorph will have left by the amount of meat left on its bones once you’ve started hacking at it with your various defenses. The Dead Space remake is being developed exclusively for next-generation consoles (that’s PS5 and Xbox Series X/S) and PC, and promises updated and modern visuals, improved story, and audio, updated characters, gameplay mechanics and controls. It is being developed using the Frostbite engine.