Playground Games is generous with methods for leveling up, though there’s one custom race that works better than any other method of gaining XP.
Forza Horizon 5 Prestige explained
Forza’s Prestige system is tied to leveling up. For every so many levels, you’ll gain a rank in prestige, though it doesn’t show up on leaderboards just yet. Here’s how Forza Horizon 5 prestige works (thanks u/Sneatho2005). There’s little practical benefit to prestige other than bragging rights, though. Completing other activities, including challenges and races, earns you more for your time, including an invitation to the Hall of Fame. Still, you do get a wheelspin for every level and a super wheelspin when you reach a new Prestige rank. How to level up fast in Forza Horizon 5 Earning skill points and spending said skill points is one of the easiest ways to get XP and level up fast. You’ll earn skills for doing almost anything, from speeding to drifting and even destroying the landscape. Each car has its own perks board, and some have slots that give you XP. Make sure to pay attention to the radio as well. You can earn thousands more skill points during Skill Songs, which pop up at least once every hour. Fast travel boards aren’t the only bonus boards dotting the festival grounds. You’ll run across dozens of XP boards as well, and smashing them gets you thousands of experience points. Finally is the One Million Run race. This 20-minute speed test lets you chain together speed skills and more and can net you 10,000 XP or more in a single go. You’ll find this at the Llanuras Sprint race east of Baja. Choose the Event Lab Creations and enter 128 559 700 as your event code to start One Million Run. You’ll need a fast car to get the most out of this event in Forza Horizon 5, but you’ll also earn plenty of credits to put toward a new purchase. Save some for fast travel if you want, though driving around and completing challenges also means you’re more likely to unlock a new Barn Find with an exclusive car.