For a few minutes following the reveal of the latest Demon’s Souls trailer, as part of the PS5 Showcase, Souls fans everywhere were ecstatic to learn that not only is the remake a launch title, but that it’s also seemingly coming to PC. Unfortunately, only one of those is true. The original trailer that went up on the official PlayStation YouTube channel included a message at the very end that read, “Not available on other consoles for a limited time. Also available on PC.” It didn’t seem to make much sense; Sony owns the Demon’s Souls IP, so what “other consoles” would it be referring to here? Confirmation of the PC version, however, seemed more clear. Nevertheless, both of the two statements are not actually correct. Demon’s Souls is exclusive to PS5. Sony told Kotaku that the message at the end was simply the result of “human error.” The trailer has since been re-uploaded without that end slide. It was too good to be true, anyway. The Demon’s Souls remake will be available at PS5’s launch, beginning November 12.