It’s no secret at this point that Apex Legends developer Respawn has been re-purposing plenty of weapons, first originated in Titanfall, into the battle royale shooter. Both take place in the same universe, after all. And, according to the in-game files, more is one the way. In particular, the often controversial Smart Pistol may be making a return. Modder @That1MiningGuy, known for exposing many Apex Legends secrets and upcoming reveals through game code, has stumbled upon strong refrences to the Smart Pistol. That1MiningGuy found textures and materials for the weapon in the game’s files. The Smart Pistol’s main gimmick is that it lets the user lock on to enemy players, guaranteeing a kill with little effort - so long as they get a solid lock. The Smart Pistol was practically useless outside of that, however. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — That1MiningGuy (@That1MiningGuy) February 25, 2020 The Smart Pistol appeared in both Titanfall games, but its Titanfall 2 iteration was a lot less stronger. In response to feedback, Respawn turned it from a traditional weapon players could have equipped permanently to a limited Boost option you’d have to work for. Still, many in the Titanfall community consider it heresy that such a high-skill game would have it in the first place. It’s not clear if the Apex Legends iteration of the Smart Pistol will work differently, but it’s interesting that it’s in the files at all. For what it’s worth, this is the pistol’s Titanfall 2 variant, the MK6. Obviously, having permanent classes and loot rarity as factors changes the conversation entirely. There’s no guarantee that it would make it, as it may just be leftover code. As always with these types of leaks, we’re lacking context.