You can check out the documentary below, which was recorded by YouTuber Kimber Prime. Its got a nice sprinkle of David Attenborough vibes, and was produced for the very real and official Destiny Geographic channel. Perhaps the creatures that struck a chord with me most were the fireflies. You can find them in The Farm, where they’ll all flicker about as scintillating bursts of light, glimmering against a tranquil backdrop in a way that seems quiet and pleasantly sombre. Then again, I genuinely liked the frog-eyed lizard birds, too. As the documentary notes, “although fireflies may all look very alike, there are over 2,000 different species to be found throughout the galaxy.” Enriching stuff. It might come as a surprise, but there are loads of curious creatures to discover in Destiny 2. If you’re ever bored of space fights and laser beams, it’s definitely worth seeking them out. After all, Guardians should protect living things, not destroy them. Either way, check out the doc. Imagine David Attenborough, except with birds from Mars and weird space bats. You know you’d love that. If you’re after info on the new Destiny season, we’ve compiled a list of what to expect in Season of the Worthy. Also, it looks like the Trials of Osiris are returning. P.P.S, looks like we’re going to be spending loads of time on Mars. Cheers for the heads up, PC Gamer.