Respawn has confirmed that Apex Legends will arrive on Steam November 4 with the launch of the game’s Season 7. All progress will carry over from the Origin version, so you should be okay to switch. The developer recently showed off three new weapon charms designed with help from Valve, themed after Half-Life and Portal. All three will be free to players who log into the game through Steam, for a limited time following launch.

Unfortunately, Respawn also announced that the game’s Switch version is no longer targeting release this year. Instead, you can expect Apex Legends to arrive on Switch sometime next year. The developer said that more time is indeed, in part because of the production challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. When the Switch version arrives, it will support cross-play with other platforms. It will also be identical, in terms of content and features, to all existing platforms.

Apex Legends comes to Steam next week  but the Switch version has been delayed - 86