Which is better? Call of Duty, Battlefield, or Halo? To figure out which is king, Dorrani, Connor, and Sherif sat down for a chat to cover all of the recent releases. You can check out that discussion in the video embedded above, and we’d love to read your own thoughts in the comments below! In this discussion, topics including which game each person is playing more, the launch state, balance, and each game’s own problems are weighed up and discussed in order to decide which franchise has had the strongest outing this year. It’s obviously worth stating this if you enjoy a certain game then that’s great! This is just a fun conversation piece between the team, and all games have their own strengths and weaknesses. It’s quite a long one, as we make sure to cover a vast number of topics and try to give each game a balanced amount of time dedicated to it, so stick it on in the background if our thoughts on the three biggest FPS releases on the year sounds interesting to you! If you want a quick catch up on all three games, the Halo Infinite Co-op campaign and force has been pushed back until May 2022, Call of Duty Vanguard players are having a few issues with player collision, and Battlefield 2042’s anti-tank rocket launcher is really bad!